The Physical Fraction Im talking about consists of a distinct, separate existence where reciprocals of integers, symbols representing one half, one third, one quarter etc equal entities which are in turn used in a system of developed models that display communications and the internal processing of documents which can then be compared to a different systematic order of processing. This so called systematic order of processing consists of a numerator and an unkown denominator, the numerator representing a number of equal parts and the denominator telling us how many of those parts make up a whole.
In simple human terms: This weblog is a well engineered experiment documenting resonance with the obvious outside influence of the rest of the world. A simple experiment actually. Its about super cool music and awesome Photography. Its about feeling and the reaction to certain feelings. It is about obscure dreams and reacting to those dreams. Its about the significant influence of globalisation and popular culture on the modern dynamic hedonistic human spirit. Its about creative expression and its about emotional expression through creative expression. Its about existence.
- The Fractionist / 1997