Steve Jobs. Blink 182 - The Fallen Interlude. Massive Attack. Angel.

I got an sms from a friend this morning, saying that Steve Jobs has left the planet (or at least our realm of the living) and passed on. This really stunned me for like a few seconds. I mean, I knew the dude was sick and all of that, cancer and the list goes on. But it just kind of caught me off guard I guess. I shed a tear in the bathroom while my wife was having breakfast. I couldn't help it, this dude is like my ultimate hero. His life story is like a fantasy story for me. From the time he took off some time to go to india to him being ousted out of Apple. To his legendary status as the greatest innovator of our time. You cant help but not love this guy. To me, he was most definitely the John Lennon of our generation, and these true real heroes always leave us to soon. Its a sad day on earth today.

As you can already tell, I am a huge Apple fan, since being introduced to it by my uncle while I was like 7 years old, I knew, that this alternative to the PC was my future. i love apple so much that I refuse, completely, to use a PC computer. I hate windows more than i can even begin to explain. I hate everything about it, including Bill Gates. What a poes. Did you know that Bill sold some of his technology to the military? I just don't believe in what Bill Gates stands for. But apple on the other hand, now thats a brand that i live. Anyway what Im trying to say is that, may all the really cool people who left the planet, all my fallen heroes, which include Bob Marley, Freddie Mercury, Jimi Hendrix, Bill Hicks, John Lennon, and now Steve Jobs, may they all rest in peace. They will forever rock.

Yo Steve, if you reading this post as a soul floating above the sky on your iPhone right now, I love you man. Maybe one day we can share a cloud.


  1. What a sad loss. This genius will go to live on in our hearts and Apple devices. May his soul rest in peace.

    p.s. I think that these amazing people are taken away because they get upgraded from the menial planes of the planet we think is supreme.

  2. Do not pity the dead, only the living.

  3. It is a great loss. But your right in saying dont pity the dead. I feel you on that one.
