As usual, its been a while. I think the last time I blogged was before I got married. Thats like three months ago. Been busy, but who hasn't been. Its monday afternoon, public holiday. Fuck yeah. Battleship grey weather we having, so beautiful. The roads are wet, the skies are light grey, and theres a bit of that cape town sun shining through. Awesome is a fucking understatement.

Im klopping the Anjunabeats. Maor Levi featuring Ashley Tomberlin - Chasing Love ♥ with some Super8 and Tab soon to follow. Loving the music. Below are some pictures I found online. No mystery there. The internet is a labyrinth of cool shit. I think one day in the not so distant future, we should have bluetooth empowered picture art frames hanging on our walls, and it should stream cool images found on websites like... FFFFOUND. Websites that hosts super creative imagery from fashion to illustration. So every time you look at the piece on your wall it will be something different. Just an idea.

Plus. Im sure thats not so hard to make. If anyone works at Samsung and you reading this. Theres a cool idea for you. Have fun with it. Instead of copying Apple and its beautiful products. Can you believe that Apple is suing Samsung over the Galaxy Tab (and other tech gadgets) because of Samsungs blatant copying techniques. Well I for one can believe it. Everyone wants to copy Apple. Because Apple are just fucking cool like that. But still though, Samsung should know better. I mean, they are a jus brand. Why be so skelm man? Money talks I guess. Shits so fucked up. But thats enough of that. Heres those images I promised. Also, I just wonder what these structures were used for. They look so abstract:


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