The dudes dead? Really? I find that very hard to believe. Im sure the CIA is protecting him, he did work for them after all, they funded the Mujahideens in the late 80's to fight off the Russians if Im not mistaken. They just used him as the face of terrorism. Like what Steve Jobs is to apple, Osama is to terrorism. Simple branding. So now that he is 'dead' Im sure Obama can get re elected for a second term (not that he wasnt going to be re elected anyway) but its always good to have the ignorant public chanting your name. That is what its all about isn't it? The re elections. People are dancing. People are happy that Osama is 'dead'. Obama is one smart mother fucker I must admit. And this is the same reason why I think he is ten billion times more dangerous than that poes of a president, Bush. Also, a very important point. Revenge from the middle east is now inevitable. They are planning something right now as I type this. And its most probably going to be a civilian attack, thats how these things work. But what do I know. The world will be restless as usual, with more war and death on the way. As usual.


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